Mediation Centre
Ontario Inc

Our team is composed of OAFM accredited mediators, information referral coordinators, and mandatory information program presenters dedicated to helping families navigate their journey through separation and divorce. We provide alternative dispute resolution and information about community services and family law issues to help you find the right solutions by putting family first, moving forward.
We provide and connect families with resources

Safe, confidential and voluntary process facilitated by accredited mediators who aim to reduce conflict and improve communication.

Informational and Referral Coordinator (IRC)
Provides information and direction to services available in your community.

Mandatory Information Program (MIP)
This program provides information about separation, parenting and the Ontario court system.
Mediation Services
Contracted by the Ontario Ministry of the Attorney General to provide a range of services in London, Chatham, Owen Sound, Sarnia, Windsor, Stratford, Goderich, Woodstock, Walkerton, and St.Thomas.

OnSite Mediation
Provides up to 2 hours of dispute resolution free of charge if you are in court.

OffSite Mediation
Comprehensive services at a subsidized rate if you are not in court.

Child Inclusive
Mediation Services
Allows the voice of the child to be heard in a safe mediation environment.

Intergenerational Mediation Services
Assists generations of family to make decisions for their loved ones.
How Does Family Mediation Work?
Complete the Mediation
Information Form
All parties are required to complete and submit the Mediation Form on-line.
Attend Intake Information
Meeting with Mediator
Ensure dispute resolution through mediation is the right option for you.
Parties work with a mediator together to resolve their family issues confidentially.
A mediation report is provided to the parties with all mutually agreed resolutions.
What family issues can I
expect to resolve through

An OAFM accredited mediator will help you to resolve multiple family issues in accordance with the Family Law Act of Ontario.
Parental Decision Making
Parenting Time
Parenting Plans
Child and/or Spousal Support
Special and Extraordinary Expenses
Mobility and Relocation
Holidays and Travel
Division of Property
Possession of the Matrimonial Home
Marital Equalization
Amendments to a Separation Agreement
Extended Family Access
Child Inclusive Mediation
Intergenerational Mediation
What community
information and resources
are available to me?

The Information Referral Coordinator (IRC) can help direct you to legal resources and community programs to assist you and your family.
Legal Resources
Legal Aid Ontario
Alternative Dispute Services
Family Responsibility Office
Supervised Access Centres
Training / Education / Employment
Addiction & Mental Health Services
Family Counselling & Support Services
Mental Health Services
Children & Youth Services
Finance and Shelter Options
Child Protective Services
LGBT2Q+ Community Supports
Indigenous Community Supports